WEBVTT 00:00.150 --> 00:03.170 H and M nothing . There's nothing 00:03.180 --> 00:05.402 beyond our capacity . I mean , from the 00:05.402 --> 00:07.569 bottom of my heart , nothing is beyond 00:07.569 --> 00:09.789 our capacity as a country . Nothing we 00:09.800 --> 00:12.600 do it together . People keep trying to 00:12.609 --> 00:15.449 divide us or just , or just doing it to , 00:15.460 --> 00:18.049 to undermine what we're doing . Not 00:18.059 --> 00:20.620 many , everybody . It's about , well , 00:20.629 --> 00:23.049 we're , we're the balls of our heels . 00:23.059 --> 00:25.829 Give me a break . You guys are the best 00:25.840 --> 00:28.399 military in the world . My son was a 00:28.409 --> 00:30.631 major United States Army , spent a year 00:30.631 --> 00:32.798 in Iraq , one of the bronze star I saw 00:32.798 --> 00:35.159 Iiii , I saw it . I saw how I've 00:35.169 --> 00:37.759 traveled into Afghanistan , Iraq and 00:37.770 --> 00:40.610 all over . Well , over 30 times , 00:40.990 --> 00:43.101 there's still the single best borders 00:43.101 --> 00:45.212 in the world . That's not hyperbole . 00:45.880 --> 00:48.279 Everybody knows it . But you're also 00:48.290 --> 00:50.439 here for the people at home . Like I 00:50.450 --> 00:52.561 said , how many of you have relatives 00:52.561 --> 00:54.979 who were in dire street ? You're still 00:54.990 --> 00:57.580 out there doing what you have to do the 00:57.590 --> 01:00.049 country . Look , you know , over the 01:00.060 --> 01:02.227 last three weeks , we've been reminded 01:02.227 --> 01:05.220 that only 1% of you , 1% of you defend . 01:05.230 --> 01:08.720 99% of only 1% of you and we owe you , 01:09.120 --> 01:11.453 you know , we have a lot of obligations . 01:11.453 --> 01:13.676 I got in trouble years ago as a younger 01:13.676 --> 01:15.676 senator and I said we have a lot of 01:15.676 --> 01:17.731 obligations to . So why won't you be 01:17.731 --> 01:19.842 sacred ? Obligation sacred ? I mean , 01:19.842 --> 01:21.953 it , that is to make sure , make sure 01:21.953 --> 01:24.319 that we care for those who stand in the 01:24.330 --> 01:26.497 harm's way , whatever the harm happens 01:26.497 --> 01:28.274 to be , care for them and their 01:28.274 --> 01:30.386 families when they come home . Well , 01:30.386 --> 01:33.269 guess what , you know , we , we as a 01:33.279 --> 01:36.750 sinker to prepare , you know , as 01:36.760 --> 01:38.816 commander in chief , I promise you , 01:38.816 --> 01:40.482 we're gonna live up with that 01:40.482 --> 01:42.482 obligation , your team to make sure 01:42.482 --> 01:44.427 that North Carolina and everything 01:44.427 --> 01:46.482 needs to recover and rebuild . And I 01:46.482 --> 01:48.649 recommend you if you wonder what we're 01:48.649 --> 01:50.649 going to be doing . We put out on a 01:50.649 --> 01:52.704 what ? White house.gov a list that's 01:52.704 --> 01:54.927 the one month following hurricane , the 01:54.927 --> 01:57.150 late administration spearheads ongoing 01:57.160 --> 01:59.382 recovery efforts to support survivors . 02:00.730 --> 02:04.129 That is how many pages this page is our 02:04.160 --> 02:06.580 number . But anyway , it's a document 02:06.589 --> 02:08.880 list in detail , what we're gonna , 02:08.889 --> 02:10.833 what we're committed . We're gonna 02:10.833 --> 02:13.000 state we get it done . There's nothing 02:13.000 --> 02:16.110 we can't do nothing . It's about time 02:16.119 --> 02:18.230 people start to have faith in what we 02:18.230 --> 02:20.589 say we're gonna do . And I promise you , 02:21.119 --> 02:23.230 I promise you we're gonna get it done 02:23.779 --> 02:26.001 in no small part because you know , and 02:26.001 --> 02:29.119 look , I kid the stock when you go home . 02:29.130 --> 02:31.199 Thank your families . Thank your 02:31.210 --> 02:33.543 families because they sacrificed to you , 02:33.543 --> 02:36.050 sir . I really mean it Thank your 02:36.059 --> 02:39.059 families . We owe you . Oh , you 02:39.899 --> 02:42.066 American people have to know just what 02:42.066 --> 02:44.288 you've done and how much more has to be 02:44.288 --> 02:46.232 done and how we're gonna keep it . 02:46.232 --> 02:48.343 Because like I said , you know , when 02:48.343 --> 02:50.566 you get down to it all , it's all about 02:50.566 --> 02:53.179 pride , pride , unit , pride , their 02:53.210 --> 02:55.830 fellow , the most private country , 02:55.839 --> 02:59.479 private and who we are as a nation . I 02:59.490 --> 03:01.850 mean , it , I say nothing , nothing , 03:01.860 --> 03:04.309 nothing beyond our capacity . As a 03:04.320 --> 03:06.539 student of history , we're the only 03:06.550 --> 03:08.717 nation in the world that's come out of 03:08.717 --> 03:11.710 every crisis , stronger than the crisis , 03:11.720 --> 03:15.460 stronger , stronger . Uh Not , 03:15.539 --> 03:18.059 not because of me . I remember because 03:18.070 --> 03:20.589 of you who is as a nation .