Applications due July 24 for DAWN-ED program that allows eligible officers to pursue master’s degree or PhD

  • Published
  • By Air Education and Training Command Public Affairs
  • Air Education and Training Command Public Affairs

Eligible Air and Space Force officers have until July 24 to apply for the Developing the Airmen We Need-Education initiative aimed at giving them an opportunity to pursue a master’s degree or Ph.D.

Up to 15 officers (10 master’s degrees and 5 Ph.D.’s) will be selected for the 2021 academic year.

Air Education and Training Command officials recently announced the new Force Development initiative aimed at giving eligible officers in the Air and Space Forces an opportunity to pursue a master’s degree or Ph.D.

Developing the Airmen We Need-Education (DAWN-ED) is a new degree program, funded by the Department of the Air Force that supports DAWN – the DAF vision to develop Air and Space Professionals as life-long learners.

Overseen by the Air Force Education Requirements Board, DAWN-ED was established to help meet the Department’s future technological needs as outlined in the 2018 National Defense Strategy.

Officers selected for this program must seek their advanced degree in one of the following areas: Advanced Computing, Artificial Intelligence, Autonomy, Big Data Analytics, Biotechnology, Directed Energy, Hypersonics, or Robotics.

Officer in the following Line of the Air Force developmental categories are eligible to apply:  Air Operations and Special Warfare; Space Operations; Nuclear and Missile Operations; Information Warfare; Combat Support and Force Modernization. 

Additionally, eligible officers should have no more than 10 years of commissioned service; no less than two years time on station; the ability to meet application and testing requirements for the school in which they will apply; and will incur a service commitment following the completion of their program.

More detailed information about the application process and criteria is available in and has been distributed through, myPers.

For more information, contact the DAWN-ED program manager at 210-652-1877, 334-953-4151, or email,